As I sit here and type this, Vivian is already more than 17 hours old…and I have been awake for 38 hours. My birth high is wearing off and I will likely sleep like a rock for the next 8 hours. BUT before I head to bed, I needed to get this post uploaded. I don’t shoot births very often. The unpredictability is too much for my anxiety to handle more than a few times a year. And yet every time I have the privilege of attending one I walk away wanting to photograph a hundred more.
Kelsey was “due” back on February 24th. This baby was her fifth, with a set of beautiful twin girls in the mix. Kelsey text me about 12:30am letting me know labor had finally started. I’m about 40 minutes away so when she told me contractions were 2 minutes apart and very painful at 1:30am, I was dressed and on the way within minutes. I arrived to find Kelsey breathing through her contractions like a total pro (because she IS!). Josh, her hubby, was so attentive and made sure to keep her as comfortable as possible through each contraction.
Back labor is no joke – if you know, you KNOW – so Josh and her incredible midwife, Rachel, made sure to apply pressure to her lower back with every contraction. One of the many many reasons I love Rachel is because she literally reads her Mama’s minds! She knows exactly what her laboring mothers need even without them asking for it. I have said for years if we ever ended up pregnant again, I wouldn’t birth without her there!
Peep that smile on dads face! At this point they still didn’t know if baby was a boy or a girl.
Just look at that proud grandma and all the LOVE pouring out in this photo!
Welcome to the world Vivian Mae! I’m so happy to finally meet you!
March 3, 2021
So simply amazing Kelsey omg I’m in love with these pics thank you so much for sharing
Gods amazing grace says it all. So glad you got to experience something that most women (me) would never try. She’s beautiful.